Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pink Floyd

Those of you who knew me before I was a napmom blogger, remember that I attended a Several Species (Pink Floyd cover band) concert with Dear Husband in the Spring of 2007. Recently, I also attended the Australian Pink Floyd concert as well. Once I got over my fear/paranoia of pyrotechnics setting the theatre on fire (they were using lasers not real fire but I was still a nervous Nelly), I was able to relax and enjoy the show. Not being a Pink Floyd fan myself (I am more of a hip-hop girl) I am continually amazed at these great shows and I am developing a liking to the music for sure. Next on my list of things to do is to brush up on my Pink Floyd lyrics so that I can sing along whilst bopping my head at concerts.

If you even remotely like Pink Floyd then you should try to attend a show sometime. There are, apparently, three main Pink Floyd cover bands out there (in the world). They are: Several Species, Australian Pink Floyd, and The Machine. We still need to see The Machine.

Top 4 Reasons to see a Pink Floyd Cover Band:

1. If you even have the slightest appreciation for live rock music or instrumental music, then you will enjoy the show.

2. The female back-up vocals and their song Great Gig in the Sky are worth the price of admission all on their own. (See the video below - she really starts going about 1 min into the video.)

3. The laser show and accompanying videos are unusual and thought provoking, to say the least.

4. Where else can you see you local librarian totally jamming out to Pink Floyd? Seriously, these concerts make for great people watching.

I would have taken my own pictures at the show, but when I got my camera out of my bag I realized that the battery was still on the charger at home. Thus, these pics will have to do.

Thanks again to Fairy Grandmother and Luvs2Boat for getting the tickets for us. Luvs2Boat won them on a radio contest actually. We had a fabulous time!

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