Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Spy with My Little Eye

This post was created especially for my grandmother.

She is loves those "I spy" books and the Gardens of Time game on facebook.

Ahem... you did NOT misread that last statement.  Yes, I do have the hippest grandma on the planet and, yes, she is on facebook.

So... everyone, I hope, has that place in the house that collects stuff. Right???  Stuff stacks up on the counter, on the dining room table, on the foyer table... somewhere.  You HAVE a junk spot - I know you do!

I do to.

Here it is.

And this is where we play the I Spy game.

I'll go first.  I spy with my little eye:

a recipe binder
a cell phone
a bag of white flour
a bag of wheat flour
a half-full pasta box
a package from (for a certain birthday boy)
birthday wrapping paper
leftover terrarium plants
a croissant in a ziploc bag
a Christmas tray
... and so much more!

Holy hot mess Batman - yes I did just share this on the internet!

What's cluttering up your counter?


Mommy 24/7 said...

Looks like my island ;)

Fairy Grandmother said...

I spy a mixer, a clothespin, a dish towel! xo

SusieQ said...

...and mail, and a cookbook, and a towel, and a plug... And you would really laugh at me with my little magnifying glass looking for all the stuff you named!!! And you know where my "spot" is.. that poor couch in the back room...

SusieQ said...

...and mail, and a cookbook, and a towel, and a plug... And you would really laugh at me with my little magnifying glass looking for all the stuff you named!!! And you know where my "spot" is.. that poor couch in the back room...