So, we need full-time care for Bro. Our current dear nanny goes to school on Tues/Thur and cannot take over the other 2 days. Thus, we have turned to day care. Bro will officially start day care on his birthday, but we kinda needed some temporary care recently and they said that he could go for the afternoon. Whew!
Dear husband said that it was hard to drop Bro off at the center. Luckily, Bro didn't cry and was very distracted by the toys and new friends.
As luck would have it, we know one of the managers of the center (well, Dear Husband knows her from college). Apparently, she can tell some crazy stories of his late night antics. I wonder what she thought when she saw him parading in as a new father.
Either way, this college buddy is also the soon-to-be sister-in-law of my co-worker. She checked on Bro during the day and texted my co-worker to say that he was doing great! So thoughtful!
When I picked Bro up at the end of the day, I worked my way through the Fort Knox-like security and dutifully took of my shoes, as instructed, before entering the infant room.
... but not before I stopped to watch him from the other side of this two-way mirror.
The lights were dimmed because some babies were sleeping, but Bro was awake.
He didn't want to leave and hardly let me hold him - a good sign, right?.
We collected all of our goods including this nice "gift" bag (but it's PINK for crying out loud) and a full report of his day, which was reported to be as wonderful as I had hoped.
Glad that Bro is settling in well. How funny that you had to take off your shoes. LOVE the two-way mirror!
Hey.. it's trimmed in blue.. something for everyone!!!
How wonderful that he's settled in so easily I hope it continues to be a good experience for him and for you. I had my older 2 in the most wonderful long day care centre before they started school (Tom went to a different pre-school as I didn't need or want long day care for him), I was very attached to the staff there, got all teary when we were leaving for the last time.
Caitlin used to cry pretty much every time we dropped her off, but then she'd cry when it was time to go home too, so she didn't get much sympathy!
Regarding the bag... it is pink. There are others (I saw them) that are primary colors. Why did we get the girl bag? Ok - I'm not really complaining but I hid it before Dear Husband saw it.
Lulu started day care when she was 3. She liked her care center (I loved it) but would have rather have been home because she is just a 'home body.'. On the other hand, I think that Bro is going to acclimate quite well.
i will babysit so you can have a date night!
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