Setting: Mom is feeding Bro his bedtime bottle in the rocking chair. The lights are dim. Lulu is sitting in the room, keeping mom company. Lulu, who has recently become a cousin AGAIN (congrats Aunt B and Uncle M), is lamenting on being the oldest of all of the cousins (first cousins, step-cousins, cousins once removed, and so on, you get the point).
The conversation went something like this.
Lulu: I am the oldest on BOTH sides. (Uh, she's the oldest on EVERY side.)
Mom: (Always wanting to make my baby girl feel proud) You make a great oldest Lulu. You are older than cousin G, cousins R and J, cousins E, L, and P, et al.
Lulu: Yeah, and I am older then neighbors A and B. And I always help out at birthday parties...
Mom: ... and you are such an example and helper for the little ones AND you were the oldest on your cheer squad this year and such a helper to your coach. It's like you were born to be... destined to be... the oldest.
Lulu: (drum roll please) ... or just born to be FIRST! (sweet pixie pose and matching smile)
On another note... I bought Lulu some new underwear. You know, the Fruit of the Loom girl stuff. I asked her to try on the underwear so that we could see if it fit. She pulled the underwear out of the package and announced that the underwear was HUGE! Admittedly, it did look much bigger than her current size. Nonetheless, I told her that her current underwear is too small and to try them on anyways. I can't even believe that I am telling you this. She dutifully tried on the underwear, but only pulled them up as far as slightly above her hips because that is how she wears her clothes. Needless to say, she had some droopy drawers which she pointed out to me. I told her to pull them up... and so she did. She hiked them up so far and said, "Look at this MAWM! Is this how you want me to look? Is this what my life has become? MAWM! You cannot make me wear my underwear like this... 1960's... fashion... wreck. I mean really, LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE BECOME! This is NOT my life!" And, she struck a pose and she seriously looked exactly like this...

I am NOT kidding and it was freaking hilarious!
Note: I asked her if I could blog this story and she said that it was fine with her. Too cute!
That was pretty funny. The life in pre-teens. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
I have this same issue already with my 7 year old son. He honestly doesn't care what he wears as long as it sits low on his hips. I am always pointing out how his underwear hangs too droopy, but if he pulls them up, it looks worse- you can see them above his pants! Next year the school uniform requires a belt. I guess we'll see what happens then...
she is out of control. what are you gonna do when drama queen gets to high school?
I know of another little girl who was the oldest of all the cousins and she RULED!! She had no esteem problem, either! Wonder who that could have been.... hmmmmm.....
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