Much to my dismay, it is very difficult to get this little guy to smile when I have a camera on him. It is soooooo frustrating. I swear, he does smile!
Actually, we are experiencing some technical difficulties at my house. Thus, picture #2 was grabbed from a flip video recorder. Not too bad, huh?
Also, I put together a little slideshow below, because I just couldn't help myself. Friends and family might like the short
Happy Birthday dear Bro!
Happy Birthday to you!
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Happy Birthday to your baby boy! I liked your slide-show, neat! How much did he weigh? It's so hard to tell in pictures. Hope he has a great day! What did you end up doing about the cake, btw???
I have been meaning to make a comment on your post with your little princess and your wedding rings. Very darling photos made even better by the accompanying story.
I DID make the cake. I had too. I'll be looking at those pictures forever and I wanted to make his cake. I'll have some still shots up soon. It was fairly simple to make actually and I am glad that I did it. Speaking of the sugar cubes, you get a lot of sugar cubes in that one little pack from the grocery store. I brought the pack of sugar cubes to work with me and I put them in my tea in the morning. What else am I going to do with 126 cubes of sugar?
I'm eagerly awaiting the cake pics ;) Glad you found something to do with the sugar cubes. When I taught pre-school I would have the kids make igloos out of them...
Thank you for your thoughts on my photos, I'm glad I'll have those pictures to cherish.
Hope Bro had a wonderful birthday! Love sent his way.
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