Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Carolyn Hax had a great topic in The Washington Post: Comparing the Work of Child-rearing with Working at a Job. Whether or not you work at a regular job or work at home, we can all (moms and dads) certainly relate to her article. I thought that it was a nice perspective.

Does anyone know what section of The Washington Post advertises up-coming auditions? I usually scan various theatre websites for auditions. A few months ago, I ran across a whole audition section in the paper. Seeing all of the potential plays/parts in one place is very helpful. However, I have never come across this section again. I think that it is in a section that is only part of the paper on a certain day of the week. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Manic Mommy said...

I have a similar article that I received a while back. I'll see if I can find it again.

It's definitely interesting how needing to attend to immediate needs manages to turn a 10 minute job into a 40 minute job!

Are you guys looking to audition for something? That would be awesome!