Thursday, January 7, 2010

Decisons. Decisions.

1.  What type of cake to make Bro for his birthday? Last year he got a generic winter cake (Remember?). This year he has definite interests for me to choose from… fixing things (Handy Manny), cars, trains, and boats. I really need to make up my mind… especially since there isn’t a Handy Manny cake pan available and so I would have to order the cake topper ahead of time. Hmmm…

2.  Permanent Birth Control… or NOT? At my last doctor visit the doctor asked me if I was considering having my tubes tied. Apparently, IF I were to have an emergency c-section and IF they already had my consent to tie my tubes then we could just wrap this up at one time… easy peasy. I told him that I am certain that I am NOT having more children but that every woman I know says that I am too young to have my tubes tied. He assured me, statistically speaking, the women who have regrets about having their tubes tied are under the age of 30 and/or have less than 2 children. So, I agreed to think about it.

3.  Kindle or Nook? (You know… Kindle… Nook… ebook readers… you download the books on this small handy little device and keep them all in one convenient spot… kinda like an iPod for music… but this is for books.) Yep. OMG I can hardly believe that I am considering such a thing. First, these are WAY out of my budget (at $259 each). Second, I like the feel and smell of books… so I’m not quite sure that I am ready to go electronic. Third, I can’t share my e-books with others… well, like I could but Fairy Grandmother, for example, is gonna need a paper copy. Plus, you can’t share Kindle books and you can only share Nook books for 14 days (bummer). An ebook reader would be so cool and convenient though. Ok – I don’t realistically need to worry about this right now… so… back to thinking about Bro’s birthday cake.

What decisions are you contemplating in your world?


SusieQ said...

Bro will gurgle down whatever cake you decide on and love it.. He won't realize he had choices at his age!! You choose...

Why would 35 be too young for tubal ligation? I was "spayed" at the ripe old age of 34 and seem to be still going strong.. If I was you I would jump on the chance to get it done..

Ariane said...

I don't think the decision about tubal ligation has anything at all to do with age. When you think about it, do you recoil in horror or think "that'd be handy"? It's about you, not your age.

In terms of alternatives, the Implanon implant works for a lot of women (3 years of no babies at a time) and I am a massive fan of the Mirena (5 years of no babies at a time) - an IUD with topical progesterone. The former didn't work for me, but works for plenty of my friends, and the latter has made me a happy woman. No babies, no periods. What mare can I ask for?

FWIW, I am having NO MORE BABIES. But the key is what sounds like a good plan to you.

All advice offered with the basic understanding that you might well be best off ignoring me. :)

Nap Mom said...

Ariane - I was considering the IUD, before the doc came up with the tubal ligation alternative. I'll have to research more about the arm implant... I don't know anything about it... but I don't want it to create a bump, pain, etc. I was more than a little caught off guard by the doctor's suggestion that I might have my tubes tied... but I wasn't offended. It's just more to think about. I have heard other women say that the IUD works well for them too. Thanks for the feedback.

SusieQ said...

The IUD works well when it works.. but it is NOT 100%.. Do you want to be the oops???? I would opt for something permanent.. Unless, of course, you want an oops!! hehehe!!!

Mrs. Bird said...

We have discussed that IF we have another...and there were a need for a c-section...we'd go ahead with the tubal ligation. But, if not, then it's snip-snip for the hubby! If we don't have another, I dunno....I'm gonna still say snip-snip, much less invasive ;)