Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Are You An Equal Opportunity Employer?

Now, I know that some of you are really NOT going to like this post… but in our family… this stuff is funny… NOT to be taken seriously… it’s all just a running joke… nothing more… nothing less… just some simple humor to get us through the day...

OMG – I hesitate to even write this ‘cause you are all going to think that I am the worst wife ever… but here goes…

Let’s go back a few years…

I grew up in a home where the chores were pretty much split up by gender. Mom did the “inside the house” stuff and dad did the “outside of the house” stuff.  I don't know why they did it that way... they just did.

So, mom (for the most part) did cooking, cleaning, and childcare while dad (for the most part) took out the trash, cut the grass, and made sure that the cars had fresh oil.

This seems to be a fairly simple way to divide up the chores, in my opinion. This works out great for me because I have absolutely NO desire to cut grass or change oil.

Currently, Dear Husband does all of the outside stuff and will not let me do it… wouldn’t let me go near the lawn mower, weed wacker, or any such device. He fixes the house. He fixes the cars… and so on.

As it just so happens, he also has a knack for cleaning and childcare… and cooking too.

Mostly, his only issue is the trash. I simply do… not… take… out… the… trash… 'cause (as I have been known to say) that’s the boy’s job... and there simply is NO logical reason why I don't take out the trash... I know. Sorry – sorry – I know that some of you are just cringing… there is a point to this…. and it is funny… so feel free to keep reading…

Sometime this past summer… Dear Husband had the car parked on the driveway and he was fixing stuff under the car. I was leaning out the 2nd story kitchen window asking him if he had picked up something from the grocery store… he rolled out from underneath the car on his little creeper and said {{with a smirk}}, “isn’t that a girl’s job?”

Ha ha ha ha… to which I replied… “nope THAT’S a boy’s job too.” {{evil witch laugh here}}

Dear Husband, thinking that he was going to beat me at my own game, asked, “What EXACTLY is part of the girl’s job?”

Not wanting to lock myself down to a certain j-o-b, I cleverly replied… after some thought… “breastfeeding – that’s it – breastfeeding is the girl’s job.” {{proud smile}}

That is, breastfeeding WAS the girl’s job until NOW…

Check out this page on Milkmen: Fathers Who Breastfeed. I never, ever, ever knew that it was possible.

Can you believe it????? I cannot wait to tell Dear Husband!!!!! He is going to strangle me when I tell him!!!!!! ;-) Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be the girl’s job anymore… "the boy can breastfeed too!" {{and you CAN quote me on that}} Fabulous!!!!!

Um... so... I like to try to end these posts with a question... you know... to promote responses from my Grandma readers.

Here goes...

Who does the breastfeeding in YOUR home???? 
ha ha ha ha I couldn't resist!


Fairy Grandmother said...

I can only imagine Dear Husband's response!!

Live Simply Mommy said...

Haha- call me sexist but, I refuse to take out the trash. And I hate shoveling and mowing the lawn... unfortunately, so does my husband!

SusieQ said...

Unless someone is going that way and is asked, I always, always take the trash out and away.. And I really do enjoy cutting the grass.. I like weedwhacking but can't do that anymore.. and I used to climb trees with the chainsaw and trim them, but can't do that anymore.. have to call "the man"... and please, Lord, save me from the kitchen and the vaccuum cleaner!!!