Thursday, March 18, 2010

Basement = No Progress

Do you remember the deal?

Dear Husband was going to do three things with the basement... that is... (1) tile in front of the fireplace, (2) paint, and (3) carpet. 

Deadline?  {{Yes, there is a deadline now.}}  April 15 - tax day.

So, mid-February {{when we had all of that snow}} I took the kids to my mom's house for the day. 

I came home.

He had....

... ripped the trim from the basement bathroom door {{yes, the now infamous basement bathroom as mentioned in the Marriage Ref post - guess no one is using this bathroom anytime soon}}.  Was this on the "official" to-do list?  No.


Moving on.

A few days later he had...

Tiled?  No.

Painted?  No.

Carpeted?  No.

He had... ripped of the drywall from the top half of the basement.  And... after that... he ripped down the bottom half.  Now, he is redoing the walls beside the fire place. 

Here is his explanation... as best I can understand:

Bathroom trim:  It is not on there correctly and is uneven.
Basement dry wall:  It was uneven.
Fireplace wall:  No one sets a fireplace in a cubby hole... the wall needs to be flat/flush.

He tried to appease me with this little goody...

... a homemade bird feeder.  You can't tell but it has little perches and everything.  Okay... fine... I'm NOT mad... but the deadline still sticks.


T.J. said...

yeah, the bird feeder is sweet and all, but deadlines are deadlines :)

SusieQ said...

Glad you're not upset.. Whew!!! That would be terrible...

You would think by now he would understand that you just don't mess with a pregnant person.. just say "yes, maam" and do what she says! Makes life sooo much easier!